Digital Learning

Sunday, September 8, 2024

Computer-Science-Class-8 Chapter-5(2024-25):

Computer Science
Chapter-5 More Tags in HTML

A. Tick the correct option.
1. In the list, each item is defined using the ________ tag.
a. <li>                b. <tr>                        c. <img>                d. none of these
Answer: <li>
2. Which of the following lists is also called bulleted list?
a. Nested list    b. Unordered list    c. Ordered list    d. none of these
Answer: Unordered list
3. Which of the following list is enclosed within the <ol> ........</ol>?
a. Nested list    b. Unordered list    c. Ordered list    d. none of these
Answer: Ordered list
4. In HTML, tables are created by using the _________ tag.
a. <table>        b. <p>                            c. <hr>                d. none of these
Answer: <table>
5. The ________ attribute is used to set the border colour of a table.
a. Align             b. Border                     c. Border color    d. None of these
Answer: Border color
6. Which of the following tag is used to end an unordered list?
a. </ul>            b. </pr>                        c. </tr>                d. none of these
Answer: </ul>

B. Name the following tags:
1. <ul>                2. <li>                3. <ol>            4. <dl>            5. <table>
6. <th>                7. <tr>.
1. <ul>          Unordered list tag           
2. <li>           List item tag
3. <ol>          Ordered list tag
4. <dl>          Definition list tag
5. <table>    Table tag
6. <th>          Table heading tag  
7. <tr>           Table Row tag

C. Name the attributes for the given functions:
1. To set the color of a table.
Answer: Bgcolor=color code
2. To align the contents at the bottom of cells.
Answer: Valign=bottom
3. To define horizontal row of cells
Answer: <tr> tag
4. To align text at the bottom of cells.
Answer: Valign=bottom
5. To specify the height of the cells in pixels.
Answer: Height="pixles"
6. To left align the table.
Answer: Align=left

D. Answer the following questions:
1. What do you understand by list?
Answer: A number of interrelated items or names written in a sequence is called a list. HTML supports several elements to create list for displaying items in a specific order.

2. Explain various types of lists that can be created in HTML.
Answer: Different types of list in HTML are:
1. Unordered list: An unordered list is a list of items that is used when the items in the list are not to be displayed  in a specific order.
2. Ordered list: An ordered list is a list where the items are displayed in a specific order. It is also called a numbered list.
3. Definition list: A definition list is used to build a list of definitions. In this list entries do not have number bullet in front of them. The tags used for creating definition list are: <dl>, <dt>, <dd>.

3. Differentiate between unordered list and ordered list.
1. Unordered list: An unordered list is a list of items that is used when the items in the list are not to be displayed  in a specific order.
2. Ordered list: An ordered list is a list where the items are displayed in a specific order. It is also called a numbered list.

4. Name the values the type attributes of the <ol> tag can have.
Answer: Type attribute allows you to select numbers, letters, or roman numerals to give a numbering scheme.

5. What is the importance of table in HTML?
Answer: Tables are most powerful tool for laying out contents of a web page. By using tab tables, you can modify complex and data and make it easy to understand for the web page visitors. In HTML tables are created by using the <table> tag.

6. How BORDERCOLOR is different from BGCOLOR?
Answer: BORDERCOLOR attribute adds a colour to the table's border and BGCOLOR attribute adds a background colour to the table.

7. What is cell spacing?
Answer: Cell spacing is used to add space between cells.

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