Computer Science
Chapter-9 Taming Python
A. Tick the correct answer:
1. Python is a ______________ language:
a. Dynamically b. Case sensitive c. Compiler based d. Both a and b.
Answer: Dynamically
2. len("hello world") will return ____________ as output.
a. 10 b. 11 c. 9 d. 5
Answer: 10
B. Fill in the blanks:
1. ______________ are non executable statements in a program.
Answer: Comments
2. Python commands are executed without saving in _____________ mode.
Answer: Interactive
3. __________ operator is also known as floor division.
Answer: //
C. Tick the T for true or F for false:
1. Python is platform dependent.
Answer: F
2. Datatype of the output returned for 4/2 and 4//2 will be same.
Answer: F
3. Identifier is the label given on the memory location for reference.
Answer: T