Digital Learning

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Keyboard and different shortcut keys:

A computer keyboard is a input device used with a computer. Similar to an electrical typewriter, a keyboard consists of buttons that make letters, numbers, and symbols, also as perform other functions.
A keyboard has different types of keys like- Num lock key, Caps lock key, Scroll lock, Control keys, Function keys, Arrow keys, Number keys and alphabet keys.
Some shortcut keys are as follows:
General Computer Shortcut Keys –

1. Ctrl + A – Select all

2. Ctrl + C – Copy the chosen content

3. Ctrl + N – Open a replacement console

4. Ctrl + V – Paste the chosen content

5. Ctrl + W – Close the Windows browser

6. Ctrl + X – Cut the chosen content

7. Ctrl + Y – Redo an action

8. Ctrl + Z – Undo an action

9. Ctrl – while dragging an item (Copy the chosen item)

10. Ctrl + Shift – while dragging an item (Create a shortcut of the chosen item)

11. Ctrl + Shift +Esc – It is used to open the task manager

12. Ctrl + Shift – With any of the arrow keys (It is used to Highlight)

13. Ctrl + Esc – It is used to display the beginning menu

14. Ctrl + F4 – Close the active document in programs that enable you to possess multiple documents open simultaneously

15. Ctrl + Click (On Underlined link or URL on document) – Opens the link in the browser

16. ALT + D– Select the address bar

17. Alt + Enter – View the properties for the chosen item

18. Alt + F4 – It is used to close the active item.

19. Alt + Spacebar: It is used to open the shortcut menu for the active Window

20. Alt + Tab – It is used to switch between the open programs.

21. Alt + Esc – Cycle through programs/windows within the order that that they had been opened

22. Alt + Spacebar – It is used to display the System menu for the active Window.

23. Shift – With any of the arrow keys (Select quite one item during a window or on the desktop, or select text during a document)

24. Shift + F10 – Displays the shortcut menu for the chosen item(Works as a right mouse click)

25. Delete – Delete the content.

26. Shift + Delete – Delete the chosen item permanently without placing the item within the Recycle Bin

27. Right arrow – Open the submenu or open the next menu to the right

28. Left arrow – Close the submenu or open subsequent menu to the left

29. Backspace – View the folder one level up in My Computer

30. Esc – Cancel the current task

31. Shift – once you insert a CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive (Prevent the CD-ROM from automatically playing

Computer Shortcut Keys (Windows keys) –

1. Win – Display or hide the beginning screen

2. Win + B– Set focus within the notification area

3. Win + D – It is used to show or hide the desktop.

4. Win + E – It is used to open File Explorer.

5. Win + H – It is used to open the Share charm.

6. Win + I – It is used to open the Settings.

7. Win + K – It is used to open the Devices charm.

8. Win + L – Lock your computer.

9. Win + M – Minimize all windows

10. Win + R – Open the Run panel 

11. Win + S – Search Windows

12. Win + T – It is used to Cycle through apps on the taskbar

13. Win + X – It is used to Open the hidden menu

14. Win + F1 – Open the Microsoft Windows help and support centre

15. Win + left arrow or Win + right arrow – It is used to Snap File Explorer windows.

16. Win + Tab – It is used to Open the Task view.

17. Win + PrtSc – Save a screenshot in the Pictures folder.

18. Win + Ctrl + Left or Right arrow – to modify between virtual desktop screens

19. Win + Ctrl + D – Add a replacement virtual desktop

20. Win + Enter – Open Narrator

21. Win + – Zoom in or out using Magnifier

22. Win + Esc – Exit Magnifier

Computer Shortcut Keys (Function keys) :

1. F1 key – Display Help

2. F2 key – To Rename the chosen item

3. F3 key – Search for a file or a folder

4. F4 key – It is used to Display the Address bar list in My Computer or Windows Explorer

5. F5 key – Refresh the active window

6. F6 key – Cycle through the screen elements during a window or on the desktop

7. F7 key – To spell check and grammar sign up MS Word document, Outlook,

8. F8 key – wont to enter the Windows startup menu, mainly wont to access Windows Safe Mode

9. F9 key – It is used to Refresh document in Microsoft Word

10. F10 key – Activate the menu bar in the active program

11. F11 key – It is used to Maximize or minimize the active window

12. F12 key – It is used to Open the Save as window in Microsoft Word

Special Computer Shortcut Keys –

1. PgUp (Page Up) – Move up one screen at a time

2. PgDn (Page Down) – Move down one screen at a time

3. Home – It is used to Move to the beginning of the line

4. End – It is used to Move to the end of the line

5. Ctrl + Home – It is used to Move to the primary character

6. Ctrl + End – It is used to Move to the last character
Computer Shortcut Keys for Microsoft Internet Explorer –
1.      Ctrl + E – It is used to Open the Search bar
2.      Ctrl + F – It is used to Start the Find utility
3.      Ctrl + H – It is used to Open the History bar
4.      Ctrl + I – It is used to Open the Favorites bar (Internet Explorer)
5.      Ctrl + L – It is used to Move your cursor to url
6.      Ctrl + N – It is used to Start another instance of the browser
7.      Ctrl + O – It is used to Open the Open dialog box (Google Chrome)
8.      Ctrl + P – It is used to Open the Print dialog box
9.      Ctrl + R  – It is used to Refresh the current browser screen
10.    Ctrl + T – It is used to New Tab
11.     Ctrl + Shift + T – It is used to Reopen the recently closed tabs
12.    Ctrl + Shift + I – It is used to Open the Developer Tools /Inspect element window (Google Chrome)
13.   Ctrl + Tab or Ctrl + PgDn – It is used to Jump to the next open tab
14.   Ctrl + Shift + Tab or Ctrl + PgUp – It is used to Jump to the previous open tab
15   Ctrl + Shift + N – It is used to Open a new window in Incognito mode
Computer Shortcut keys for Microsoft Word – 
1.      Ctrl +B –  It is used to Bold text
2.      Ctrl + D – It is used to Displays the Font dialogue box
3.      Ctrl + F – It is used to Displays the Find dialog box to search the current document
4.      Ctrl + H – It is used to Displays the Replace dialogue box
5.      Ctrl + I – It is used to Italicize text
6.      Ctrl + K – It is used to Create a hyperlink
7.      Ctrl + N – It is used to Create a new document
8.      Ctrl + O – It is used to Opens a new document
9.      Ctrl + P – It is used to Prints a document
10.    Ctrl + S – It is used to Saves a document
11.     Ctrl + U – It is used to Underlines text
12.    Ctrl + Right arrow – It is used to move the insertion point to the beginning of the next word
13.    Ctrl + Left arrow – It is used to move the insertion point to the beginning of the previous word
14.    Ctrl + Down arrow –It is used to move the insertion point to the beginning of the next paragraph
15.    Ctrl + Up arrow – It is used to move the insertion point to the beginning of the previous paragraph.

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