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Tuesday, July 23, 2024

Information Technology-Class-10 Unit-3(2024-25):PART-II

Information Technology
Unit-3 Information and Communication Technology Skills-II

B. Answer the following questions:
1. What is an operating system?
Answer: An operating system is a system software that manages computer hardware, software resources, and provides common services for computer programs.

2. Mention any three functions of the operating system.
Answer: Three functions of the operating system:
1. It manages all devices of a computer.
2. It also checks if the device is functioning properly or not.
3. It controls the software resources of the computer.

3. Name any three operating systems for the computer.
Answer: Three operating systems are:
1. DOS: Disk Operating System
2. Windows: It is an operating system developed by Microsoft.
3. Linux: It is design for personal computer and servers.

4. Name any three mobile operating system.
Answer: Three mobile operating system:
1. Android
2. Symbian
3. Windows Phone

5. What is the name given to the screen which appears just after the windows operating system is loaded?
Answer: Name of the screen which appears just after the windows operating system loaded is wallpaper.

6. Name two special icons on the desktop.
Answer: There are many icons on the desktop. Two special icons are: Computer, Recycle bin.

Monday, July 22, 2024

Information Technology-Class-10 Unit-3(2024-25):PART-I

Information Technology
Unit-3 Information and Communication Technology Skills-II

A. Multiple choice questions:
1. A ________ operating system is a computing environment that reacts to input within a specific period of time.
a. Single User            b. Multi User            c. Real Time            d. Distribute
Answer: Real time
2. Identify the measure to protect computer from threats and viruses.
a. Sharing password with friends
b. Allow anyone to use your device
c. Use Antivirus
d. Leave computer without logging out
Answer: Use antivirus
3. The cleaning of software installed in the computer cannot be achieved by_____.
a. Disk cleanup        b. Backup                c. Cleaning CPU cabinet    d. Installing antivirus software.
Answer: Cleaning CPU cabinet
4. Which one of the following shortcut keys is used to paste a file?
a. Ctrl+C                    b. Ctrl+P                c. Ctrl+V                        d. Ctrl+X
Answer: Ctrl+V
5. How can an antivirus protect your device?
a. It can protect it from over heating
b. It can increase its performance
c. It can prevent data from getting corrupt.
d. It can backup data.
Answer: It can prevent data from getting corrupt.
6. Which option is not required to keep a device cool?
a. Keep the device unplugged when in use.
b. Do not cover the laptop with a blanket.
c. Make sure the computer's CPU fan is working.
d. Avoid leaving the device in the sun.
Answer: Keep the device unplugged when a device cool
7. Which of the following is essential for maintaining keyboard?
a. Turn the keyboard upside down and shake it to remove.
b. Blow dust and other particles with the help of a blower.
c. Use a very diluted combination of soap and water applied with a non-abrasive cloth to remove stains from the keycaps.
d. All of the above
Answer: All of the above

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Information Technology-Class-9 Unit-1-Chapter-4(2024-25):

Information Technology
Chapter-4 Writing Skills

A. Fill in the blanks:
1. Dad and I caught _________ big fish yesterday.
Answer : a
2. I want __________ computer game for my friend.
Answer : a
3. _______ children are playing with _______ ball.
Answer : The
4. Isha wake up early in __________ morning.
Answer : The
5. Lots of people are watching_________ parade.
Answer : The
6. I need __________ umbrella.
Answer : an
7. Bhumi wore_________ average dress on her birthday.
Answer : an
8. I am writing _______ letter to my brother.
Answer : a
9. Please have ________ glass of water.
Answer : a
10. What is _______ time now?
Answer : the
11. __________ sun shines during the day.
Answer : the
12. French is __________ easy language.
Answer : an
13. She lost _________ book that she purchased yesterday.
Answer : a
14. ________ Tribune is ______ most popular daily in _______ Punjab.
 Answer : the, a, the

Wednesday, July 17, 2024

Computer-Science-Class-8 Chapter-4(2024-25):

Computer Science
Chapter-4 More on HTML

A. Tick the correct option: 
1. ________ is the extension of HTML document.
a. .htm            b. .ht                        c. .html                            d. none of these
Answer: .html
2. Which of the following is an empty tag?
a. <hr>            b. <img>                c. <pt>                            d. none of these
Answer: <hr>
3. Which of the following is not an attribute of the <hr> tag?
a. BGCOLOR    b. align                  c. size                            d. none of these
4. Which of the following tags makes text bold?
a. <b>               b. <u>                    c. <i>                            d. none of these
Answer: <b>
5. BGCOLOR is the attribute of ______________ tag.
a. body             b. IMG                    c. font                            d. none of these
Answer: Body
6. Which of the following is not an attribute of the <img> tag?
a. src                b. alt                        c. align                            d. none of these
Answer: alt

Friday, July 12, 2024

Computer-Science-Class-7 Chapter-4(2024-25):

Computer Science
Chapter-4 Charts in MS Excel

A. Tick the correct option:
1. Generating charts can help in:
a. taking decisions        b. making comparison    c. forecasting weather reports d. All are correct
Answer: All are correct
2. Which of the following charts uses vertical bars or columns to display values.
a. column chart        b. pie chart            c. bar chart            d. none of these
Answer: Column chart
3. Which of the following charts is used to plot data recorded from scientific experiments.
a. bar chart              b. line chart            c. area chart        d. none of these
Answer: Line chart
4. Under which tab will you find legend button?
a. insert                b. layout                c. home                d. none of these
Answer: Layout
5. Which of the following helps the users to understand the purpose of chart?
a. gridlines            b. legend              c. chart title        d. none of these
Answer: Chart title

Sunday, June 23, 2024

Information Technology-Class-10 Unit-2(2024-25):

Information Technology
Unit-2 Self Management Skills-II

A. Multiple Choice Questions:
1. Stress causes:
a. Physical strain
b. Emotional strain
c. Psychological strain
d. All of the above
Answer: All of the above
2. __________ refers to focusing efforts on maintaining a healthy mind and body which is better capable of withstanding stressful situations.
a. Emotional health
b. Stress management
c. Self management
d. Mental health
Answer: Stress management
3. Having conscious knowledge of your own self, your capabilities, feelings and your own character is called:
a. Self-awareness
b. Self-motivation
c. Self-control
d. Independence
Answer: Self awareness
4. Stress management can:
a. Improve mood
b. Boost immune function
c. Promote longevity
d. All of the above
Answer: All of the above
5. Which of the following is an important life skill?
a. Self-awareness
b. Self-motivation
c. Self-regulation
d. All of the above
Answer: All of the above

Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Information Technology-Class-9 Chapter-3(2024-25):

Information Technology
Chapter-3 Types of Barriers and Measures to overcome barriers in Effective Communication

A. Answer the following questions.
1. Define communication barrier.
Answer: Noise or disturbance in the process of communication is called communication barrier. 
Sometimes because of the lack of skills and knowledge and so many other obstacles, an idea can not be communicated to others, this is called the communication barrier.
Communication barrier is the collective name given to the causes of the loss and distortion of information during the process of communication.