Digital Learning

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

What is Programming Language?

* A programming language is a computer language which contain a set of instructions that produce many kinds of output. Mostly programming languages include set of instructions for computer system. There are different kinds of programming language that are used for developing computer software. Today there are hundreds of different programming languages like ALGOL, BASIC, C,C++, COBOL, Lisp, Java, JavaScript, JCL, QBasic, Python, PHP, Perl, Pick, LOGO, Lua, Metro, Nim, MUMPS, RPG, Rust, SPL, SQL, Tcl, Turbo, FoxPro etc.

* Computer programming languages enable us to give instructions to the computer system. As we all know that computer understand only machine languages and human can understand only high level languages so there is a need to convert high level language into machine language, translator that translate high level language into machine language is known as compiler. Computer can understand only binary language that is 0 and 1, where 0 means off and 1 means on.

* A programming language is a set of instructions, directions, and other sentence structure use to make a product program. Dialects that developers use to compose code are designated "significant level dialects." This code can be gathered into a "low-level language," which is perceived straightforwardly by the PC equipment.

* High-level dialects are intended to be anything but difficult to peruse and comprehend. This permits software engineers to compose source code in a characteristic manner, utilizing coherent words and images. 
* For instance, saved words like capacity, while, if, and else are utilized in most significant programming dialects. Images like <, >, ==, and! = are normal administrators. Some significant level dialects are comparative enough that software engineers can without much of a stretch comprehend source code written in different dialects. 
* Examples of elevated level dialects incorporate C++, Java, Perl, and PHP. Dialects like C++ and Java are designated "aggregated dialects" since the source code should initially be gathered so as to run. 
* Dialects like Perl and PHP are classified "deciphered dialects" since the source code can be gone through a translator without being incorporated. For the most part, aggregated dialects are utilized to make programming applications, while deciphered dialects are utilized for running contents, for example, those used to create content for dynamic sites.

* Low-level dialects incorporate get together and machine dialects. A low level computing construct contains a rundown of fundamental guidelines and is considerably more hard to peruse than an elevated level language. In uncommon cases, a software engineer may choose to code an essential program in a low level computing construct to guarantee it works as productively as could reasonably be expected. 
* A constructing agent can be utilized to make an interpretation of the get together code into machine code. The machine code, or machine language, contains a progression of twofold codes that are seen straightforwardly by a PC's CPU. Obviously, machine language isn't intended to be comprehensible.

* Kinds of Programming Languages: 
* There are two kinds of programming dialects, which can be sorted into the accompanying ways: 
    1. Low level language
2. Machine language (1GL)
3. Assembly language (2GL)
4. High level language
5. Procedural-Oriented language (3GL)
6. Problem-Oriented language (4GL)
7. Natural language (5GL)

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